The Blessing Cup. A tradition derived from the Jewish Seder meal, and carried on in our Christian faith by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. After eating, Christ took the cup and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.” Matt 26:27-28.
Our church, St. Angela’s, has a tradition of passing the Blessing Cup from family to family. At the end of one of the weekend masses, the family that has the cup and the family receiving the cup come forward and make the exchange. The congregation sings, “Our Blessing Cup is a communion with the blood of Christ.” The receiving family takes the cup home for the week.
When we had the cup, we set it on the table each night at dinner, and Mark read a brief prayer and reflection. The boys loved having the cup in our home, and even though they probably did not fully grasp its significance, they still seemed to sense that it was special and deserving of reverence and respect.