Everything except for the alpha stickers and chipboard numbers are from the June
Scrapdango kit. I am trying to do more "about me" pages, and I liked how this photo turned out. I figured it was perfect for a page of just general, random facts about me right now. The journaling is hidden in an accordian-style "foldout" book under the "me".
Journaling:1. I like flavored coffee with lots of cream and Sweet-N-Low.
2. I want to lose weight. A lot of it.
3. I just got an elliptical machine and I’m determined to use it.
4. I need to drink less coffee and more water.
5. I cantor at my church.
6. I like to cantor, but I still get nervous every single time.
7. At my 8th Grade graduation, the class sang a song co-written by myself and a classmate.
8. I love math. No, really – I do.
9. I teach math part-time.
10. My students frustrate me.
11. I often wonder what my students think about me.
12. Sometimes I think about going back to school. Yet again.
13. I prefer to sleep on my left side in bed.
14. I prefer to lay on my right side on the couch.
15. I like to have three pillows when I sleep.
16. I’m an early riser and usually can’t sleep in, even when I try to.
17. I miss my mom.
18. I wish my dad and Sandy lived closer.
19. I love a good steak.
20. I’m not a big fan of fruit.
21. I love cheese. Except for swiss. I can’t stand swiss cheese.
22. I love creamed spinach.
23. I’ve never had sushi.
24. I love Moosetracks ice cream (reduced fat).
25. I listen to a lot of talk radio in the car.
26. If I listen to music in the car, it’s usually contemporary Christian.
27. I’ve only been to 2 concerts: Amy Grant and Indigo Girls.
28. I never used to like orange, but now it’s one of my favorite colors.
29. I am honored to be a member of two fabulous design teams.
30. I still get a huge thrill every time one of my layouts is requested for publication.
31. I try not to get disappointed when my layouts get passed over for publication… but I do.
32. I’m not a very good housekeeper.
33. I wish I had a cat.
34. I would love to go on a cruise.
35. I like to curl up in bed at night and watch TV (but I usually fall asleep).
36. I would love to take a photography class.
37. I have a scar just below my right knee, from falling on a stick when I was about seven years old.
38. I cry easily.
39. My eyes are a weird shade of gray.
40. I snort when I laugh.
41. My back itches when I have a bad cough.