Tuesday, November 27, 2007
these 2 boys and a pile of fun

this is 6

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
fall flurries

Friday, November 9, 2007
hayride by moonlight

This is one of my November pages for Allyscraps, and is based on my sketch posted there!
St. Angela’s School had a “family hayride night” at Kerber’s Dairy this year! Daddy had never been there before. Jacob and Kathy went with us, and we also saw lots of other school friends.The boys all fun a blast, and especially liked the corn maze and playground. It was pretty dark by the time our ride started, which made it hard to see much. But, it definitely gave the whole event a somewhat mysterious and spooky atmosphere, as the wagon made its way through the deep, dark woods.After the ride, everybody enjoyed an ice cream treat… while sitting outside in the chilly fall night air!
sharing the moment

Love the Basic Grey Recess! I did this layout to go with a sketch challenge at Allyscraps!
What a big day, and it's so fun to watch the excitement that the two of you share! It's Tyler's first day of preschool at St. Angela's! Ryan has been so eager to finally have his little brother going to the same school that he goes to. And now, the long-awaited day has arrived! It is truly the start of a new era. And Tyler, don't worry - big brother is there beside you, every step of the way. August 27, '07
Thursday, November 8, 2007
on the fast track

One of the highlights of our day at the South Park VIP recreation area – the go karts. Ryan had a blast! There was a kids’ track where he was able to be behind the wheel himself. On the bigger track, he rode shotgun with daddy and they both had a great time.
July 1, 2007
simple fun
quirky you

Just one of your quirky habits. You have perfected the one-handed-toy-clutching-thumb-sucking maneuver. It’s definitely a uniquely-Tyler talent!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
(more than anything) grateful for them

I was so honored to be invited to contribute another layout to Valerie Salmon's sketch blog! This page is for her Sketch #31.
Once again this year, rather than spending two days in the kitchen preparing Thanksgiving dinner, we went out to a restaurant. The buffet at Seven Springs was excellent, as was the view of the mountain slopes from the rear deck of the lodge. The boys’ favorite part, though, was surely the time we spent in the hotel’s game room after dinner. It might not be as traditional as gathering around our own dining room table, but that’s ok. Wherever we are and whatever we eat, the day is about being together and counting our many blessings – especially the blessing of each other. ~Thanksgiving 2006
Sunday, October 7, 2007
you are so 4
this boy
way to make a splash

From the October kit at Scrapdango. I just love how this turned out! I made the background by "sponging" the blue paint that's included in the kit, and white paint, onto the cardstock.
2007 was definitely the year that the two of you made a big splash in your summer swim lessons at Miss Debbie’s house! Just the year before, I had to stay for your class and get in the pool with Tyler, because he would not go in the water otherwise. This year, he was jumping off the side of the pool – and loving it! And Ryan, who only a year ago was just starting to make progress getting across the pool with a bubble on, was now jumping in without a bubble, doing sit-dives, learning strokes, and swimming the length of the pool on his own! I am so proud of the progress that you both made. I can hardly wait to see what next year will bring!
too much Thomas?

Love the colors in this My Mind's Eye paper line, from the October kit at Scrapdango.
It’s hard to imagine that you will ever outgrow the love you have now for Thomas the Tank Engine. You can spend hours, it seems, quietly fascinated and entertained, pushing Thomas around the Island of Sodor – often making up stories as you go. It’s so satisfying to watch you enjoy such simple, creative fun.
Tyler, 5-21-07
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
no more pitchkers!

Halloween ABC Mini-book

a special bond
Thursday, September 13, 2007
a face full of happy

Ryan, sometimes you just seem to glow with happiness! How can anyone look at you and not smile, too?
Saturday, September 8, 2007
{determination} is half the battle

What a difference one year makes. Just a year ago, you still seemed like a mere toddler. Now, you are clearly, a little boy. And so determined that you can do anything you set your mind to – no matter how much it scares your mother to watch you do it.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
along for the ride

Also from the September Scrapdango kit!
Eventually, Tyler will learn to drive the Gator… but for now, he is perfectly happy to go along for the ride! 6.1.07
melting away in the summer heat

Another one with that great Scrapdango September kit!
That Chuck, the ice cream man… he’s no dummy! He knows exactly where to find his target market, doesn’t he? A hot, sunny day. The Buena Vista pool. You can count on the fact that, early afternoon or so, you will hear the familiar song from the truck as Chuck turns the corner and pulls up to the fence. Then, stand back and stay out of the way – it’s like a herd of wild buffalo as the kids all race to the window to order their favorite frozen goodie! Ryan and Tyler usually stick with the rainbow popsicles – can’t go wrong with that. A hot day, the neighborhood pool, and the ice cream man. A little slice of Americana, if there ever was one! 6.29.07
just 4 today

Can it really be true, my baby is four years old? This was your first big party with your own friends, and what fun you all had! You were so excited to celebrate at Kid Company, and there weren’t very many people there, so it was almost like we had the whole place to ourselves! July 3, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
notes to self

Sunday, July 22, 2007
our blessing cup

The Blessing Cup. A tradition derived from the Jewish Seder meal, and carried on in our Christian faith by Jesus Christ at the Last Supper. After eating, Christ took the cup and gave it to his disciples, saying, “Drink from it, all of you; for this is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins.” Matt 26:27-28.
Our church, St. Angela’s, has a tradition of passing the Blessing Cup from family to family. At the end of one of the weekend masses, the family that has the cup and the family receiving the cup come forward and make the exchange. The congregation sings, “Our Blessing Cup is a communion with the blood of Christ.” The receiving family takes the cup home for the week.
When we had the cup, we set it on the table each night at dinner, and Mark read a brief prayer and reflection. The boys loved having the cup in our home, and even though they probably did not fully grasp its significance, they still seemed to sense that it was special and deserving of reverence and respect.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
one amazing girl

Our sweet friend Sarah.
Such a kind and special little girl.